Basically to play our game you need about three people or more. The objective of this game is to buy phones from Randy and have the most money at the end of the game. Randy is basically the banker, he deals and sells players phones. To buy a phone you must get money, to get money you pick a question which Randy will recite aloud. If you get the question right you earn money which you can then use to buy a phone. Phone's offer you perks which you can use to help you win the game. To initiate the game you roll a dice and highest number goes first

             Our group contributed the work load quite evenly throughout the process of making our game Azmere and I focused mainly on getting the phones and making their perks. Along with some questions and a bit of board designing. While Jimmy focused mainly on questions and designing the board. We all helped come up with the rules well Jimmy was the one who took the time to make the final copy of our rules.

             In the process of making our game I learned that teamwork and co-operation could result in something great. I feel as if since we all listened to each others suggestions and faired out the work load that we were able to create a fun and easily playable game. Overall making this game was a fun time and a great experience. I'm happy with the result of our game.

             As far as play ability goes I think we nailed it. I found our game to be quite exhilarating as it was something new. No one had ever played a game like this and it seemed as if most people enjoyed what our game had to offer. As long as everyone played fairly and there was no cheating the game went fantastically. The only thing is the game would not be very re-playable. If we had added more questions perhaps also from different categories and not just technology it would have been better. Because in the games current state there is only about 30 questions and they get far to repetitive after playing for a long time. If we had more questions I think the game would be great. Overall I think we did do a great job on our game though and it is very fun to play in its current state.

When I first watched this movie I didn’t know that much about the American Health Care System other than it wasn’t great. It was a shock to see what actually happened to those people in the USA who didn’t have much money. In the American system you have to get health care system you have to have some sort of health care insurance. There are many different companies you can choose from but each has its specific hospitals they will cover you at. So if you are in need of emergency service and aren’t near any of the hospitals your healthcare covers you are no longer covered by your insurance for the cost of service provided by the hospital. They also try to find whatever loopholes possible, for example: Say you're to skinny and your BMI is less than what it should be they won’t cover you for your medical bills. Or say you have cancer, sometimes they won't deem it as life threatening and won't provide you with the proper care you should receive. Which has resulted in multiple deaths in return for the company making big bucks off of your well being or even life. The USA has some of the worst healthcare in the world. In Canada most of the care is free, as we have Universal Healthcare. But where we lack is the time in which it takes to get treatment, they rate you on a list of how serious it is. So say you need knee surgery it may take up to 9 months to get the surgery as it is not deemed life threatening. However in France they have free medical care and they can receive their surgeries right away. Also if you end up paying for the ambulance they reimburse your money. The French government will help you out of your medical troubles while the USA leaves you to rot on the s

La différence entre la système médicale amèricaine et la système médicale française est le système américain est pour de l'argent. Le système français est plus pour les gens que l'argent. Le système français sauve des vies alors que les Américains tuent